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Letters to the Editor

Letter to the Editor : American public should consider merits of pacifism in light of 9/11

Letter to the Editor : American public should consider merits of pacifism in light of 9/11

Ten years ago members of al-Qaeda used four passenger aircrafts as weapons to kill nearly 3,000 people on Sept. 11, 2001. The United States government’s response was to answer violence with violence. In the ensuing wars, hundreds of thousands more people have been killed. New York Yearly Meeting of the Religious Society of Friends (Quakers) urges everyone to recognize this anniversary as an occasion to remember that there are always alternatives to violence and that there is a spirit in every human being which responds with gratitude to these alternatives.

The Religious Society of Friends has always upheld the way exemplified by Jesus, who taught us never to return evil for evil, but to love our enemies and pray for them, forgiving them every offense. We confess that we, being human, do not always fulfill this high standard. Nevertheless, we continually strive to discern the guidance of the living God who loves unconditionally and extends unlimited compassion, comfort, mercy, guidance, grace and revelation to all who ask.

We testify to the world that we disown all wars and fighting with outward weapons for any cause whatsoever. These are never necessary. There are no ‘just wars.’ Among the weapons we renounce are the tongue and the pen when they are used to provoke prejudice and hatred. Neither will we be silenced by fear when we are called to witness against evil masquerading as good. We seek to build a world in which a just peace is possible. We seek the strength to support and keep faith with those who suffer for nonviolent acts of conscience. We live by the gospel of God’s love for all. Join us.

The Syracuse Friends Meeting (Quakers)